Musical instrument-Harmonium


             The most widely -known and used free-reed aerophone in India is that the Harmonium and are impoeted from the west . No foreign instrument ,however has caused such a commotion because the Harmonium.It is most typically used musical instrument in northern India.

               The harmonium was delivered to india either by western traders or by musicians within the late nineteenth century .Most probably it had been first introduced to Indian music in Calcutta and from there it spread everywhere the country. In India today, harmonium finds an area in music of all types, whethere it's folk, light, semiclassical or perhaps highly-reputed serious music.

            The Indian harmonium isn't the heavy and massive pedal instrument of Europe, but has been reduced to alittle portable box, which is approximately two feet by one foot amd about nine to 10 inches high, the rear of which opens to act because the bellows.On the highest may be a keyboard like that of a piano,but with a far smaller range ,usually of about three octaves.This is played by one hand,while other hand works the bellows.However, the entire process is controlled by a keyboard that produces it a really simple and hassele-free instrument.
             Today’s version of the harmonium is capable of providing a full range of tonal excellence very rare in other instruments. A high-quality harmonium has two , three and even four sets of reeds.Present-day harmoniums have three reed boards joined along with the supply for air-release in zigzag fashion, ensuring softness of tone and melody.



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