Musical Instrument - Harp
Harp Harp, stringed instrument during which the resonator, or belly, is perpendicular, or nearly therefore, to the plane of the strings. every string produces one note, the gradation of string length from short to long like that from high to pitch. The resonator is typically of wood or skin. In arched, or bow-shaped, harps the neck extends from and forms a curve with the body. In angular harps, body ANd neck kind an angle. In frame harps (mostly confined to Europe), body And neck are set at an angle and ar connected by a column, pillar, or forepillar, that braces against the strain of the strings. Harps lacking a forepillar ar set up at comparatively low tension, which ends in an exceedingly lower pitch than frame harps. the fashionable double-action pedal harp combines the fundamental structure and sound of a...